Sunday, June 19, 2011

Back to the Beach

"Catch of the Day"
9X12 acrylic on canvas

We are moving soon. That means lots of things to pack, which is bad.  It also means I will be a few feet from the sand and the Pacific Ocean, which is excellent!  I am only about an hour from the coast now, but an ocean view is much better.  When we left Long Island, I knew I would miss the beach being only a few minutes away.  I definitely have missed the frequent trips to Fire Island, and it will be wonderful to live on the coast again (not to mention saying bye bye to the 100+ degree days of summer here).


  1. Wow, it's beautiful, you have a fantastic attention to detail!!

    Congrats Sheryl,have a nice week!

  2. Grazie, Franz- you have a great week, also!

  3. Lovely painting, Sheryl.

    Good luck with the move! xx

  4. Wonderful painting!

    Moving to the seaside? Lucky You!

    Do you visit Eileen's blog at

    She does a lot of beach walks and draws (beautifully) seaweed, shells and other treasures she finds.

  5. I will envy your proximity to the ocean Sheryl. Good luck with the move!

  6. Thank you- Pat, Teresa, and Dora! I have been out of town and away from my computer for the most part- time to catch up!


Thank you so much for your comments- I love to hear what you think!