Sunday, June 19, 2011

Back to the Beach

"Catch of the Day"
9X12 acrylic on canvas

We are moving soon. That means lots of things to pack, which is bad.  It also means I will be a few feet from the sand and the Pacific Ocean, which is excellent!  I am only about an hour from the coast now, but an ocean view is much better.  When we left Long Island, I knew I would miss the beach being only a few minutes away.  I definitely have missed the frequent trips to Fire Island, and it will be wonderful to live on the coast again (not to mention saying bye bye to the 100+ degree days of summer here).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vintage Baby Shoe

9X12 Watercolor on 140 lb cold press paper

I had so much fun painting my boys' baby shoes that I wanted to continue with the same idea a bit longer.  My mom gave me hers to paint, and also my own.  Then, I will probably move on!  Sometimes, I just get into a fun painting groove and like to stick with it.  I did take a break from the shoes to paint the baseball watercolors, so its not really an obsession yet. I also love the idea that my mom wore this shoe in 1936- a fact she might not love me advertising, along with calling this a "vintage baby shoe".  Nothing to worry about, Mom- my baby shoes are also vintage!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Baseball Themed Watercolors

I love baseball and during baseball season, I practically plan my life around SF Giants baseball!  Love to watch the games and the best part is that I can paint while they are on.  It is best when they win, but that isn't always the case- case in point- yesterday.  The Giants aren't scoring many runs (and they are usually in the last two innings) so it is amazing they win as often as they do.  They are in first place in the NL West.  Enough about that...

These watercolors are a baby gift for the newest boy in our family.  My wonderful nephew and his equally wonderful wife recently had a baby boy.  The baseball theme was a special request for a little art over his crib.  These were both fun to paint, especially since I think they will like them.  I am going to paint Jameson's name and birth date on the base ball- I think it will look good painted like a signed baseball instead of just printing it.  What do you think?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Watercolors- Just For Fun

I got to spend the day painting, and I was painting just for fun.  My husband was busy on the phone most of the day, so I just went into my studio and took out my watercolor palette.  Usually on Fridays, he wants to go do something since his work week is mostly mon-thurs, so since he was busy it was like bonus painting time.
I was so excited last week to come across the box containing my boys' baby shoes among other things.  I was thinking that after several moves, I had lost them.  I have been a bit stressed lately with my husband looking for his next contract- what better to paint than something that makes me happy?!  Baby shoes- perfect!  I have been taking photos of random painting subjects lately also- hence, the fortune cookies.
Perfect painting day because I also finished a set of baseball themed watercolors as a baby gift to my nephew and his wife for their adorable new son.  Gotta love it when painting days are stress free and productive!