Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thank You, Veterans!

9X12 Watercolor "American Hero"

I have been away from my blog for several months for various reasons, but didn't want to let Veterans Day go by without a big THANK YOU.  I know its a bit early- just wanted to take time to remember all of the brave men and women that serve for all of us.


The watercolor shown includes the POW bracelet I wore in high school
 honoring American Hero LCDR Edward Davis  along with the US Flag my son sent home from Iraq


  1. Une petite aquarelle très symbolique et d'une grande valeur...
    Un très bel hommage...
    Bienvenue à vous ma chère !

    Gros bisous

  2. Great post. And a wonderful painting with a powerful message. :)

  3. Wonderful post with a very meaningful painting. Please pass on my thank you to your family.

  4. Very nicely done! It tugs at my heart that I didn't get something sketched for Veterans Day.


Thank you so much for your comments- I love to hear what you think!