Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Watercolors- Trip to Paris

After spending the last week painting with oils, I took some time for watercolors.  I am doing The 100 Painting Challenge (http://www.100paintingschallenge.com/) and my understanding is that we should stick to one medium- and I started with watercolor.  These are #25 and #26 of my 100, so I need to keep up with them.  I love working with oils also, so I tend to go back and forth between the two mediums- mixing in some acrylic paintings along the way.  
The reference photos for these watercolors  were taken during a fun week in Paris a few years ago.  My husband was there on business, so I had some time to wander around and take pictures while he was working.  There are bakeries and pastry shops (boulangeries/patisseries) on every street like the ubiquitous delis and bagel shops on Long Island.  Lucky Long Islanders.  I loved looking at all of the beautiful and delicious (I sampled more than a few) items in the display cases!  I am sure they thought I was crazy for taking pictures of these tasty treats, but everything is a possible future painting- something my fellow artists would agree with.  The photos for these were taken on the Rue St. Dominique and Rue Cler-  two of my favorite places of the many wonderful areas in Paris. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sheryl,

    Love your blog. I too am an AF wife and artist living in Florida. How nice to be able to travel with you husband to a wonderful city such as Paris! Lucky you! Your watercolors are very charming.

    Don't you just love Etsy? I have two sites there and a blog also.

  2. Ooh, these look delicious, growing up in New York and moving to the midwest, one thing I miss is the delis and bakeries, especially the pastries, haven't found anything quite the same here! These are wonderful, will enjoy your 100 painting challenge, especially in watercolor!

  3. These are done so beautifully :] Just love them. I've struggled with watercolor so it makes me admire you that much more!

  4. Like I posted over at 100 Paintings, delicious! Yeah, we Long Island, NYers are lucky to have delis and bagels on almost every corner, but I would love to sample French pastries on the Rue de Something one day just like these!

  5. Simply amazing!
    Ahhh,Paris....mon amour!


  6. Thank you, Carol- I love your work (especially the Paris ones) and your blog also!
    Maria- thank you! I also miss the food of Long Island!
    Thanks, Meowlissa and Candy- I always love to hear from you!
    Dora- at least you still have NY pizza- I DO miss that often! See you on the 100 Paintings!
    Grazie, Franz- I appreciate it- you say the nicest things! Ciao to you also!

  7. Lovely watercolours.
    I can see the paler recession in some of the cakes - it really does help to believe they are going back in a line! :)

  8. Absolutely delicious watercolors! I would've bought two of everything....one to eat and one to paint (then eat later).

  9. Thanks, Pat! They were in a white/light case so I didn't want to overwhelm with dark shadows on this one.

    Thank you, Gretchen! Some things just need to be painted...then eaten!

  10. Dear Sheryl,
    Mmmm!! All your work is very beautiful and...looks so yammy. Keep up, talented lady!
    Kind regards, Sadami

  11. These are lovely. I look forward to seeing #26, 27, 28, 29....etc. That's quite a challenge.


  12. Thank you so much, Sadami!

    Thanks, Barbara- my main problem with keeping up with the challenge is that I like to paint in oils also, and I think they prefer us to stick to one medium, so the oils I don't count!


Thank you so much for your comments- I love to hear what you think!