Monday, January 24, 2011

Works in Progress X 12 - OR Complete Lack of Artistic Focus!

This last week has been a good one- at least in the area of my painting! For starters, I sold one of my watercolors- wish I could say that happened every week! Also, I finished some watercolors that I actually LIKED when they were done, and at this moment I have 12 small oil paintings in progress. The frosting on the cake- I woke up today to find one of my watercolors in a wonderful Etsy treasury!

First, I want to explain the multitude of wet canvases in front of me. I love to paint in oils, but once you get to a certain point in the painting- you need to sometimes let some paint set before putting more layers (shadows for instance) over the first layers. It is also a good way for me to concentrate on certain aspects of my painting that I think may need more work (practice, practice). Some of these are on canvas, some are on masonite and they are in various sizes- all fairly small. I don't tend to start watercolors the same way- just a few at a time at most!
Thanks for looking- I hope to have some finished oil paintings to post soon!


  1. Those little oils are so cute!

  2. Love them all :) I've always loved the red fruits and these are just beautifully done!

  3. Thank you, Pat! I like the small ones also- maybe because they are small, I consider them less work!

    Thank you Meowlissa! I have to admit, the reds are my favorites also, maybe the contrast with the dark background...

  4. The fork and the strawberry are incredibly real! But how do you do??
    Congratulations Sheryl, I remain open-mouthed in front of your talent!


  5. Franz- as usual, your compliments are much appreciated! I seem to do a better job with still life painting and detailed objects than when I try to paint a larger scene.
    Thank you so much - I mean, grazie!

  6. So happy to hear about a great week, I love the fork and strawberry painting, so pretty and realistic! You have been very productive this week and can't wait to see how the oils progress.

  7. Là au moins je peux profiter et manger des yeux vos fraises!!!(je fais de l'allergie alimentaire avec elles!!!) Beau travail.

  8. Thank you, Maria! Some weeks go our way, and others don't- so I am very happy for the productive ones!

  9. Merci, Martine! Welcome to my blog- I loved yours!

  10. Dear Sheryl,
    All your works are beautiful, cute and...look so yammy!!! Congrats for your approach.
    Cheers, Sadami

  11. Congrats on your sale, the wonderful treasury, and all your beautiful paintings!

  12. Beautiful work Sheryl. I love your tootsie pop paintings. Your blog name caught my eye because I just finished a mermaid painting.

  13. Thank you, Sadami, Gretchen, and Barbara!

  14. What a nice surprise having meeting you, Sheryl! Thank you for your visit! I really lvoe your blog and your paintings! In particular, these small oils are delicious! Ciao!

  15. Grazie, Christina! I am so happy to have you here, too!

  16. I am happy you left a comment on my blog as it led me to yours. Love your works both in oil and w/c. I too am an AF wife, or I should say was. We retired many years ago. another thing we have in common are Etsy sites. I am following your blog now, so I will return often.


Thank you so much for your comments- I love to hear what you think!